
Q & A with our Architect – Steve King, Archimedia Waikato
Q & A with our Architect – Steve King, Archimedia Waikato
August 11, 2020by Eleanor Dorn
On all our developments we are so grateful to work leading experts in their field – and like any development, it all comes down to design. So of course, one of the first steps is always engaging with an Architect who is going to breathe life and help to form the vision for a new project.We have been working with the talented Steve King and his team from Archimedia Waikato on our last project Alfred Residences, as well as some of our upcoming projects.
LVR Restriction Removal
LVR Restriction Removal
May 18, 2020by Jasnish Gujral
There’s been quite a lot of news about the property market and the direction it will take over the last few weeks due to the effects of COVID-19.Few people wishing the market goes down and all developers go under (yep, there always a few out there), while others wishing it stabilizes or continues to go up. Unfortunately, no one actually knows where the market will head till we go down to Level 1, or some sort of normality and the situation with the job losses comes to light. I for certain will know more towards the end of the year after the people that have asked for the mortgage holidays get back to paying their mortgages or sell their properties.
Looking beyond the Lockdown
Looking beyond the Lockdown
April 13, 2020by Jasnish Gujral
Collaboratively administrate turnkey channels whereas virtual e-tailers. Objectively seize scalable metrics whereas proactive e-services. Collaboratively administrate empowered markets via plug-and-play networks. Dynamically procrastinate B2C users after installed base benefits. Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise.
Asbestos Removal
Asbestos Removal
February 6, 2020by Jasnish Gujral
Asbestos removal can be a scary thing and if not treated with the right respect can be dangerous. Over the last few years, all my sites have had some sort of asbestos removal required so I am somewhat an expert in this field now – my digger driver tells me that I attract sites with Asbestos. Haha!
Pros and Cons of buying off the plans
Pros and Cons of buying off the plans
January 22, 2020by Jasnish Gujral
We have had a lot of enquiry on what are benefits of buying off the plans and I can name quite a few but the article wouldn’t be fair without looking at the other side of the coin of what can go wrong. There is a lot of negative media about the “developers going under” and rightly so, but it’s good to look a bit deeper of what can cause a fall in developers.
Safe Investing
Safe Investing
December 15, 2019by Jasnish Gujral
As all of you know I am a big fan of investing in the property industry.My first step on the ladder was going halves with my sister on a piece of land in Kinlock in my early 20’s (which she later brought off me), through to buying and renovating and of course now developing – it’s been quite a journey over the last 15 years.
Our Values
Our Values
December 5, 2019by Jasnish Gujral
I have had an interesting journey over the past four months, the business has been taking shape for growth, and we’ve been working on making it future proof by doing a Values exercise for the business and with ALL our Business Consultants and Contractors, which is something that is nor done often in this industry, or any.
Interest Rates!
Interest Rates!
October 23, 2019by Jasnish Gujral
You would have noticed over the last few months that interest rates have been going lower and lower. This is a world-wide phenomenon and a very interesting one indeed for me. A number of our banks are Australian owned therefore we are also following their footsteps where each bank is competing by dropping their interest rates lower.
Fiji… When work and play comes together
Fiji… When work and play comes together
September 15, 2019by Jasnish Gujral
Last week Eleanor and I spent 5 nights in Fiji and it was excellent. The main reason for visiting Fiji wasn’t for a holiday but to meet some developers doing an amazing project in Suva and potential.
Uncle G! Grant Cardone
Uncle G! Grant Cardone
August 28, 2019by Jasnish Gujral
So over the last couple of weeks Eleanor and I have been to see Grant Cardone (one of my idols) in Auckland and then in Sydney for a 2 day Bootcamp.
Doing it backwards
Doing it backwards
April 25, 2019by Jasnish Gujral
The way the development world works is that all the final public/private drainage, vehicle crossing and the driveways are done at the end of the project when the building has been completed.
Reviews at the end of each year
Reviews at the end of each year
January 25, 2019by Jasnish Gujral
I had a huge 2018/2019 interms of learning and growth. Going unconditional on development in 2017 and each development getting bigger and better than the previous.
Buying your first home
Buying your first home
November 17, 2018by Jasnish Gujral
I often get asked advice on buying a first home as this is the first biggest investment. Most people I have noticed have a maximum budget but generally the expectation for that money is quite high.
Square Metre Rates on the Floor vs Walls
Square Metre Rates on the Floor vs Walls
November 8, 2018by Jasnish Gujral
One very valuable (and expensive) lesson I have recently learnt is understanding the language of the tradesmen on the 4 house development. Being aware of companies quoting square metre rates on the walls vs floor.
Personal Self Growth
Personal Self Growth
October 20, 2018by Jasnish Gujral
This blog is a bit more personal than I usually write about but it’s important for me to share my recent experiences.
Is it a good time to buy property?
Is it a good time to buy property?
October 1, 2018by Jasnish Gujral
This blog is a bit more personal than I usually write about but it’s important for me to share my recent experiences.
Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within Experience
Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within Experience
September 20, 2018by Jasnish Gujral
Eleanor and I have just completed the UPW experience with Tony Robbins and let me tell you that it was awesome and I highly recommend it.
Park Ave finally finished!
Park Ave finally finished!
August 1, 2018by Jasnish Gujral
Park Ave is finally completed, and it looks great, now the question is whether the market will appreciate the architecturally designed building?
Rimu Road Progress
Rimu Road Progress
June 30, 2018by Jasnish Gujral
Construction well underway at Rimu Residences.
Trying out new materials
Trying out new materials
June 4, 2018by Jasnish Gujral
Having to work in the Engineering and heavy construction side most of my career I do find that trying out new products is key to a successful future.
Weather Weather Weather
Weather Weather Weather
May 16, 2018by Jasnish Gujral
We have been on holiday and back but progress on the outside of the Park ave houses has been extremely slow.
Will Prefabrication solve the housing crisis?
Will Prefabrication solve the housing crisis?
April 23, 2018by Jasnish Gujral
Prefabrication of houses seems to be all over the news but whether this will solve the housing crisis or not is a very good question.
Alfred St Resource Consent almost granted
Alfred St Resource Consent almost granted
April 2, 2018by Jasnish Gujral
We have finally got the OK from the Urban design team for the Resource Consent of the Alfred st property.
Would we use steel framing again?
Would we use steel framing again?
March 5, 2018by Jasnish Gujral
The question I am asked very often is if I would use steel framing again and unfortunately, I would say no. Let me explain why…

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